Powered Pump Ball Lift
File Download
Update 5/25/2024 - PLEASE NOTE - A couple of parts were incorrectly numbered during the making of the instruction video, and part number 42 was omitted from the download files. Part number 42 has now been added to the download files and a separate file for this part has been added for those who have already downloaded the original files. We feel that the model can be made by following the video and that correcting the part numbers and video would cause more confusion to the hundreds of people who have already downloaded the files. We apologise for these errors.
Update 5/28/2024 - Part numbers errors on 380mm x 380mm have been corrected. Part #33 has been replaced with updated part to match video.
Update 5/28/2024 - Part numbers errors on 380mm x 380mm have been corrected. Part #33 has been replaced with updated part to match video.
Build Instruction Video
Material Thickness: 3mm to 1/8 inch
Number of Sheets needed: 390mm by 390mm file needs 1 sheet of material. 480mm by 270mm file needs 1 sheets of material. |
The 6 volt motor, battery box, and motor coupling flange used in this build were purchased on Amazon.
40 RPM 6 volt Motor
6 volt Battery Box
6mm Bore Coupling Flange